Way Home

32 x 22 cm, 83 pages

Book containing only transparent paper on which I printed my drawings

In this work I move through different spaces: through urban landscape, a residential building, a bus, my own home, my room, through public and private spaces, wide and narrow spaces, inside and outside, filled and almost empty. The motives are scenes that caught my eye on my way through the city I lived in during this work. It is Jerusalem. This work is not supposed to be an illustration of Jerusalem, but an illustration of the way I see when moving through space. Because of the transparent pages, single scenes spread over several layers and overlap with others. Fragments clash into new scenes. Vague you can see what is far away and was just sharply seen is turned away in the next moment. For me it was a great experiment with space and composition.

Photographs of different parts in the book

Attached: the top pages are seen as single pages

Book cover

Old city

City center

On the bus

My neighborhood

Staircase in my residential house

Entering my flat